Threadless has just anounced the winners of their 2009 Threadcakes Competition. Let me tell you, the work these people have done is anything short of stunning. How people can look at a complex shirt design and remake it into a 3D or 2D cake design is far far far beyond me.
The winner of the 3D challenge was Jennifer Flynn who recreated Noha's Epress into a 3D boat sailing on the ocean. With all the little animal detail whole project took her three days of hard work. As if recreating all the detail wasn't enough, she thought she would give her self an extra challenge and make the whole thing eatable! Which she actually managed to do...WOW! You go girl!

The First place spot in the 2D catagory goes out to Alex Waite who had a well thought out cake vertion of Immposter In The Bird Hotel. She really paid attention to detail, creating all of those little birds by hand! She took a different aproch than most when it can to cake construction. She decided to make each of the little windows into a seporate little tea cake. What a unique idea. The cake looks awesome, I hope everyone enjoyed eating it.

Be sure to check out the rest of the winners at!
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