Tuesday, October 13, 2009

American Apparel Shirts for 59% Off...Yippy

Yeah I promise I am not lying folks. I have found a goldmine! Ok I must admit that I love my Americal Apparel shirts, especially my V-Necks, but what I don't love so much is their $22 dollar price tag...ouch! That is why I was so excited to find a great supply of American Apparel on Amazon.com. Yeah, you're probably thinking if it is from amazon is it the real thing? Yes it sure is my friends. I currently own two of them but I am thinking I will be expanding that number pretty soon. I love the possibilities I have with a plain t-shirt and the American Apparel v-neck is the perfect mix of spunk and versatility.

American Apparel V-Necks

1 comment:

  1. I thing this is one of he most beautiful remade t-shirts I've seen!Thanks for sharing!!!! :)

    Mens black blazer
