Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't Hibernate!!! Get Sweaters From Cafe Press

Don't Hibernate!  Get Fun Winter Gear at CafePress

The time has finally come, the weather is cooling down suddenly. It is a bit early if you ask me, and I have no control over the weather (shocking I know) so I guess I am allowed to complain. In the past two days it has gone from frying hot to chilly in the shade. That is why I have already broken out my few winter clothes in hopes to determine what I will need to add to the collection. I already know I need more sweatshirts.
That my friends is why I've been browsingShop or Create What's on Your Mind at CafePress for the last hour trying to get some ideas for creations of my own (and finding others designs that I enjoy as well). I suggest you got take a look at there customized t-shirts, I'm sure you'll get some inspiration.

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